What do Broadleaf products do?

Broadleaf P4 – water storer and soil conditioner

While many horticultural companies have now started offering similar products, our unique Broadleaf P4 was (and is!) the pioneer of water-storing polymer technology- and we still lead the way with our top-quality range of water saving polymer products.

Customers often struggle with what exactly to call this product when describing it to others- we are commonly asked for water storing gel, water storing crystals, water gel, water gel crystals, water holding crystals, water saving granules and so on.

No matter how you describe it, it’s job is the same- to store water in the soil that plants can access directly time after time easily over years whenever needed.

Because we only provide the best-quality, specifically designed product, our P4 and other polymers last in the soil for up to 5 years with no decline in performance- unlike cheaper products that only last for a few weeks, months or seasons. This means our customers get better value for money, as well as access to expert technical support and advice whenever they need it (and with over 50 years combined experience, we can assist you with almost any query!).

Not only do our polymers cut down on watering by approximately 3/4, they also allow your plants to grow with minimal water stress-leading to larger, healthier plants in less time


A side benefit is that adding our polymers to the soil improves the soil structure, providing a more open, aerated soil profile. This reduces water-logging, stores nutrients, aids percolation and allows roots to grow better.

For more information on Broadleaf P4 - click here.

Broadleaf Root Dip

Utilising much the same technology as Broadleaf P4, Broadleaf Root Dip also absorbs water to release to the plant. However, Broadleaf Root Dip is a powder made up of micro-fine crystals, meaning that when you hydrate it you get a thick soup of tiny gel particles.

This makes it ideal for coating the roots of bare-root transplants, as it protects them from desiccation and vastly extends the amount of time transplants can remain out of the ground. By dipping then wrapping the roots, transplants can safely be stored for weeks, with greatly reduced losses compared to untreated transplants.

Best of all, Root Dip is very economical - Just 1 kg of powder can treat up to 1300 45-60cm transplants!

For more information on Broadleaf Root Dip - click here.